
Thanksgiving looks like all of my family. The adults are usually eating, the babies are with the adults, and the middle age kids, like me, are usually running all around my papa’s house. Thanksgiving sounds like a lot of loud yelling. Whenever we quietly pray, all of the loud yelling stops and we all go to the table to pray. When we pray, my cousin, Kimberley, which is older than me, starts to quietly laugh then my cousin Jimmy, who is also older than me starts to laugh too. When we stop praying, I hear spoons, forks, and knives clinging against plates, and of course, the loud yelling starts again. Thanksgiving feels like a lot of fun and I also feel very, very, very happy and thankful to be with my family who is four hours away from me. Thanksgiving smells like a lot of great, yummy potatoes, chicken, cornbread, cranberry sauce, turkey, pumpkin pie, and my most favorite, papa’s beer chicken. He makes this delicious, fat chicken just for me and I smell it right when I walk in the door. Thanksgiving taste like a lot of great delicious food my papa and grandma worked hard on. They make a lot of yummy food it would be hard for me to list them all!